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Treat Excessive Sweating with Botox!

January 13th, 2021

Summer is quickly approaching, which means that antiperspirant will likely be your best friend. This can be difficult for those who suffer from excessive sweating, but don’t worry, its treatable! Avoid the uncomfortable feeling of sweat marks on your clothes and stay dry in this hot weather by using Botox to aid hyperhidrosis (sweating).

Treat Excessive Sweating with Botox!

Hyperhidrosis and Botox

Botox works by injecting the substance into areas that produce sweat, to temporarily block the flow of the chemical responsible for initiating the body’s sweat glands. Wherever you decide to inject Botox, the sweating will stop. This FDA approved treatment has become widely recognized for its effectiveness!

The Treatment

Typically, we begin by applying some numbing cream to the area to ease any discomfort. Then we draw a map on your body indicating the injection points. Finally, the Botox is injected into the body and at this point, you may feel a slight pinch or pin prick. Each treatment takes around 5-15 minutes, which is perfect for patients with a busy schedule!


You will notice improvement within the first few days of the treatment, however, it typically takes 1-2 weeks to see the final result. After 2 weeks, you should come back for a checkup so Dr. Boulos can touch up any areas that may have been missed during the first session. The treatment is not permanent, so you’ll have to come back between 6-12 months to top up the Botox if you want to continue using it. Some side effects that may occur include bruising and muscle weakness, so this isn’t a treatment we recommend for those with muscle or nerve conditions.

Book a Consultation

To find out if you’re an ideal candidate for this treatment, contact the experts at Dr. Boulos Medical Spa! We will work together to successfully address the problem by coming up with the right treatment, based on your needs.

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