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Top 5 Reasons to Get the IPL Treatment

January 13th, 2021

Are you unhappy with the condition of your skin? Have you heard of the Intense Puled Light (IPL) treatment? You may have heard of it due to its exceptional reputation, being one of the most true, versatile skin treatments in the industry today. However, if you haven’t, then it’s time you understand why everyone loves it so much!

Top 5 Reasons to Get the IPL Treatment

Here are the top 5 reasons to invest in the IPL skin treatment.

1. It’s a versatile, all-inclusive skin treatment

The IPL treatment is known for curing acne scars, scarring, age spots, broken capillaries, fine lines, wrinkles, sun damage, irregular pigmentation and rosacea. Yes, other treatments can do the same, but the cool part about IPL is that you can treat all of these skin conditions at one time! This treatment can be used on any part of the body including the face, neck, chest, arms, hands and legs.

2. Quick and Effective!

Typically, the IPL treatment takes under 30 minutes to complete. If you just want a spot treatment, then it’s even less time – all it requires is 10-15 minutes! Most conditions can be treated with only 1-2 sessions, and others will only require 3-5. Wait at least 2 weeks after your first session to book the next one.

3. Very Safe

People in the industry have been using this laser for over a decade! It’s very safe, FDA approved and doesn’t peel or remove any of your skins tissue. The IPL laser has several settings so we can customize it according to the skin conditions you want to treat.

4. No Down-time

The best part about this treatment is that there’s no down-time. This laser doesn’t remove any of the top layers of your skin, which means you can feel free to return to work or any daily activities without any problems. You may experience a mild sunburn appearance or slight swelling, but this can be covered easily with some makeup.

5. Pain-Free

Although the procedure is slightly irritating, it’s not painful at all. You can feel comfortable knowing that you likely won’t experience a negative reaction once it’s over. Anything redness you do experience is extremely minimal and will disappear in a few days.

Book a Consultation

Heal your skin with this procedure by booking a consultation with Dr. Boulos today! Contact us to learn more and to determine if you’re an ideal candidate for the IPL treatment.

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