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The Positive Effects of Hyaluronic Acid Fillers on Under Eye Bags

January 13th, 2021

One of the top concerns patients have when they visit our clinic is the appearance of their under eye bags. It’s frustrating when you’ve tried just about every eye cream and you’re still left with puffy eye bags and dark circles. You may be considering going under the knife to aid this issue, but you don’t have to! Try a simple, yet effective treatment with hyaluronic acid fillers.

The Positive Effects of Hyaluronic Acid Fillers on Under Eye Bags

Here’s how the treatment works and how it will eliminate your under eye bags!

Hyaluronic Acid Based Filler

Hyaluronic acid is a substance naturally found in our bodies. Currently, hyaluronic acid fillers are very popular remedy in the beauty industry used to aid signs of aging.  As you age, your body begins to lose this substance causing the skin to weaken and create puffiness below the eyes. Hyaluronic acid based fillers will work to restore volume deficiency at the corner of the eye and below the eye. The fillers also work to hydrate the skin, stimulate collagen production and iron out skin imperfections.

The Treatment

This injectable treatment will last for approximately 15-20 minutes. Make sure to consult with a reputable provider like Dr. Boulos so that there’s minimal risk of swelling and bruising. First, the treatment begins by numbing the area to minimize discomfort. Although this area isn’t usually prone to bruising, you may experience some bruising and puffiness directly after the treatment, however it’ll disappear quickly.

Once injected, your eye bags will disappear almost immediately, with no downtime! This filler will last for approximately 18-24 months and will have to be touched up at that point to maintain the results.

Who is a Good Candidate for Under Eye Filler?

First, you have to determine whether the dark circles are caused by pigment or vascular issues. If you have hollow eye bags then filler is perfect for you! Aging causes fat compartments in the face to drop, and the under-eye area to separate from the cheek, which makes the bags hollow. Hyaluronic acid fillers will be used to create a smooth transition between the under-eye and the cheek.

Book a Consultation with Dr. Boulos

Determine whether you’re a good candidate for this treatment by booking a consultation with Dr. Boulos today!

With a surgical background, Dr. Boulos has been administering cosmetic injections since 2007. She has successfully built upon this experience with further training in Aesthetic Medicine and has attended various conferences, where interaction with her peers continues to keep her education current. Trust Dr. Boulos to administer this treatment seamlessly!

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