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The Magic of Microneedling Combined with PRP

January 13th, 2021

Experience ultimate skin rejuvenation with the Eclipse MicroPen combined with the Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) treatment. The Eclipse MicroPen is a revolutionary micro-needling device known for stimulating collagen and elastin growth while reducing fine lines, wrinkles and acne scars. When paired with the PRP treatment, your overall skin texture and tone will improve naturally. PRP will use your own tissue growth factors and healing properties to renew the skin by improving blood supply, which in turn will reduce wrinkles, pores, acne scars and dark spots.

The Magic of Microneedling Combined with PRP

Keep reading to learn more about the procedure and some of the top benefits of coupling microneedling and the PRP treatment!

During the Procedure

The treatment involves 2 steps. Microneedling will last for approximately 30 minutes, depending on the areas being treated. A topical gel will be applied to clean skin, then the practitioner will glide the MicroPen across your skin, creating hundreds of micro-channels or holes every second.

A syringe of blood will be drawn, usually from your arm, and then placed into a centrifuge, separating the PRP from the other components of the blood. Finally, the PRP solution will be massaged into the treated area after mincroneedling. This will really allow the PRP to penetrate the skin.


1. Safety

The MicroPen is typically considered safer than other dermal rollers as it uses sterile single-use, surgical grade disposable needles. This pen features a Turbo Safety Needle that delivers maximum clinical results, maintaining the highest standard of safety for both the patient and the provider. Aside from this, the procedure is versatile and safe for all skin types.

2. Fast Treatment

The Eclipse MicroPen has a high-speed motor, resulting in quick penetration from the needles which makes the experience more comfortable throughout.

3. Versatility

Every patients skin is different. When creating a skin treatment, we consider all the unique features of your skin and what we can do to benefit your individual needs. With the MicroPen, we can adjust the needle depth and customize the treatment to address specific issues.

Microneedling in conjunction with PRP treats conditions such as:

  • acne scars
  • surgical scars
  • wrinkles and fine lines
  • hyperpigmentation
  • sun damage
  • large pores
  • uneven skin texture

4. Consistency

This pen has safety and control features that allow for consistent results. In comparison to other dermal rollers or lasers, the Eclipse MicroPen delivers a predictable experience for all patients.

Contact Dr. Boulos!

Are you interested in the Mirconeedling and PRP treatments? If so, then book a consultation with Dr. Boulos today and receive unrivalled skin rejuvenation!

As a female, Dr. Boulos understands many concerns that females of all ages have including but not limited to aging, skin care and other miscellaneous medical concerns. With such care and attention to detail, Dr. Boulos’ clients feel confident, comfortable and in control of their everyday life.

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