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Skin Rejuvenation with the CO2RE Laser Facial

January 13th, 2021

Treat your skins surface, middle and deep dermal levels with the versatile CO2RE laser. This incredible device provides a lighter, faster solution for skin resurfacing, traditional ablation and minor dermal excisions. Take advantage of the ability to treat both superficial and deep skin layers simultaneously, with ultimate precision! This laser facial has become one of the most popular non-surgical skin treatment methods available to restore and renew skin, to bring out a more youthful appearance.

Skin Rejuvenation with the CO2RE Laser Facial

How do I know if I should I get the CO2RE treatment?

If you suffer from sun damaged skin, aging skin, irregularly pigmented skin, wrinkles, sagging, irregular skin texture, acne and other skin conditions, then this treatment can be suitable for you.

You aren’t a suitable candidate for this treatment if you’re pregnant or have treated your skin with acutance within 6 months. Also, if you have a history of cold sores or herpes, you must inform your physician prior to receiving the treatment in order to prevent possible complications.

During the Procedure

You may experience moderate discomfort during the treatment, but a topical anesthetic will be applied prior to aid any pain.

How does the treatment work and what are the benefits?

The CO2RE laser works by removing layers of skin tissue in a fractional method, while ensuring the surrounding skin is intact to aid in the healing process. This will help reduce age spots including sun freckles, liver spots and lentigines, along with fine lines, wrinkles, scarring, uneven coloration, skin laxity, textural irregularities and dull tone. You can also expect natural collagen development in the face, neck, chest and hands.

What to Expect Post-Treatment

On the day of the treatment, your skin will be raw and you must follow the instructions provided by Dr. Boulos to ensure a proper healing process. A few days after, you’ll notice your skin gradually appearing softer and smoother, with age spots and uneven textures decreasing in appearance. During the first week post-treatment, you may experience dryness, peeling or flaking, which is why moisturizing is essential.

Approximately a week after the treatment, you can begin to apply makeup again or venture out in public without complications, however, your skin may be slightly more sensitive and pink for roughly 1-3 months. For optimal healing, it’s necessary that you commit to the instructed skin regimen and avoid the sun. Doing will also help you maintain the results for a longer period of time.

Contact Dr. Boulos

Determine whether or not you’re a suitable candidate for the remarkable CO2RE laser facial by booking a consultation with Dr. Boulos today.

With a surgical background, Dr. Shahira Boulos has always had a special interest in women’s health and wellness. As a female, she understands many concerns that females of all ages have including but not limited to aging, skin care and other miscellaneous medical concerns. Contact us today.

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