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Sculpt Away Your Double Chin – CoolSculpting

January 12th, 2021

Having a double chin can make you appear older than you actually are.

CoolSculpting is a procedure that can freeze fat off the upper arms, abdomen, and thighs. This innovative procedure has been cleared by the FDA to tackle a whole new area of the body - the double chin.

Sculpt Away Your Double Chin – CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting for the Chin

CoolSculpting for the chin is a non-invasive fat reduction procedure that involves no anesthesia, needles, or incisions. It’s based on the principle of cooling subcutaneous fat to the point that the fat cells are destroyed by the cooling process and absorbed by the body. CoolSculpting uses Harvard developed technology to safely freeze fat cells to the point of degeneration without harming surrounding tissue.

Here are some other benefits you can enjoy with CoolSculpting:

  • Non-surgical and non-invasive – with no needles.
  • Fat cells are not minimized, they are destroyed and are gone for good.
  • Only one or two treatment sessions required
  • Quick results – patients notice the results of the treatment after just three weeks.
  • No downtime – You can go straight back to your normal routine

What to Expect After CoolSculpting of the Chin

There is little to no recovery time after a CoolSculpting procedure. Most patients can resume routine activity immediately after. In some cases, minor redness or soreness can occur on the chin, but that will typically diminish within a few weeks.

Results may be noticeable within three weeks of the procedure. Typically results are reached after two or three months after the initial treatment.

Why Choose Dr. Boulos Medical Clinic

Ready to get rid of your double chin? CoolSculpting has brought its patented technology to neck contouring. Love what you see with our new non-invasive CoolSculpting treatment to reduce fat under the chin and contour the neck. The number 1 non-invasive fat-reduction treatment can now treat under the chin.

It’s time to say goodbye to your double chin. Say hello to a younger-appearing you in the mirror. We offer complimentary consultations so call us so we can determine if Coolsculpting is right for you!

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