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Permanently Remove Your Upper Lip Hair

January 13th, 2021

Are you a woman who’s tired of the constant battle with her facial hair? If so, we have a solution for you! For several women, excessive hair growth on the upper lip leaves them feeling unconfident. With a busy schedule, finding the time to maintain unwanted hair every few weeks can seem impossible. Laser hair removal is a tremendously popular procedure performed on the upper lip that provides excellent, long-lasting results!

Permanently Remove Your Upper Lip Hair

How to Prepare

Preparation for this procedure is essential. If you take the proper steps, you will likely receive the result you desire. Some steps we suggest you take include:

  • Avoid sun exposure
  • Avoid medications like Retin A and antibiotics
  • Avoid tanning beds, self-tanners and bronzers for 4-6 weeks before treatment
  • Have non-comedogenic sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher ready for after your procedure
  • Refrain from waxing, threading, tweezing, sugar, using chemical hair removers or mechanical epilators. Its crucial that you do not remove upper lip hair by the root, 2-4 weeks before the procedure
  • Shave facial hair with a razor. Ensure some stubble is present in order to receive better results
  • Provide us with a complete list of your medications, over the counter and prescription. Include vitamin or mineral supplements
  • Provide us with other medical history, including surgeries, chronic conditions allergies and scars
  • Tell us all the skincare products you use
  • Let us know if you’re pregnant or trying to conceive

Am I a Good Candidate? How Does the Procedure Work?

The perfect candidates for this procedure are individuals who have a greater contrast between the colour of their skin and the colour of their hair. Unfortunately, it often doesn’t work as well on gray or red hair.

This procedure works by operating a handheld laser with a pulsed light over the selected area, and targets dark, thick hair follicles by ceasing their growth. Laser hair removal can feel similar to snapping a rubber band on your skin, so it may help to numb the area or take Advil beforehand to avoid discomfort. Once the procedure is complete, it will leave your skin feeling gentle, smooth and best of all, hair free!

How Many Sessions?

For permanent hair loss, we suggest approximately 10-12 treatments every 5 weeks, but this will vary depending on the patient. Your hair growth will slow down, so make sure to shave your upper lip between visits in order to increase the power of the laser. Each session will be fairly quick, so there’s no need to take too much time out of your schedule.

Book a Consultation

If you feel that you’re a good candidate and this procedure will benefit you, book a consultation so we can discuss your options. Achieve ultimate confidence and be completely free of your upper lip hair!

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