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Is CoolSculpting Right for You?

February 26th, 2022

You may have heard of the popular fat-freezing cosmetic treatment called CoolSculpting, but have you ever wondered what it is and if it’s right for you?

Is CoolSculpting Right for You?

CoolSculpting is a non-invasive cosmetic treatment that targets stubborn fat areas by freezing and eliminating the fat cells. Patients will see a 20-25% fat reduction in the areas treated. However, it’s not for everyone. Let’s get into why!

Am I a Good Candidate for Coolsculpting?

The best way to find out if you are a good candidate for CoolSculpting is to book a free consultation with Dr. Boulos. In this consultation, she can assess you and your needs while answering any of your questions. However, if you’re looking to get quick answers now, then this blog is for you! We get into what makes the most ideal candidate for CoolSculpting. And, if after gaining this knowledge, you’re still unsure of your candidacy or feel you are the perfect candidate, then a scheduled consultation with us is your next step!

Fitness & Healthy Eating are a Priority for You

A misconception about CoolSculpting is that it is the non-invasive alternative for liposuction and can get rid of large amounts of fat all around the body. This is false (and way too expensive). Yes, CoolSculpting is a great non-invasive procedure to remove unwanted fat, but it’s best for those who focus on fitness and healthy eating.

CoolSculpting is for stubborn fat that won’t go away from following a healthy lifestyle. It’s for those who have tried getting rid of fat areas with proper diet and exercise but cannot get rid of fat on the lower abdomen, arms, back, thighs, or chin. Essentially, those who follow a proper diet and exercise regimen will see the most benefits from CoolSculpting.

You Have Problem Areas that Won’t Disappear

If you have trouble areas where fat just won’t go away, then CoolSculpting could be your solution. CoolSculpting uses handpieces that only fit small, pinchable areas of fat inside the device. Therefore, it works best for those will small trouble areas of subcutaneous fat (usually pinchable fat). Because subcutaneous fat is stretchy and harmless (although frustratingly difficult to get rid of sometimes), it is the perfect type of fat for CoolSculpting. Visceral fat, on the other hand, is fat that lies below the muscle wall surrounding the organs, usually found in the abdomen. This type of fat is more dangerous and linked to more severe health conditions. Visceral fat cannot be treated by CoolSculpting and should be discussed with a doctor or dietitian.

You Are Not Obese

As we mentioned above, CoolSculpting is for those who have tried to get rid of stubborn fat areas through diet and exercise. It is for problem areas that won’t disappear. CoolSculpting is far too expensive for those looking to remove significant amounts of fat. It is also not a weight loss solution, as some may think. We would suggest other fat-eliminating procedures like liposuction for those who want a full-body fat reduction.

You Have Certain Health Issues

When thinking of getting any cosmetic treatment, it is important to inform your doctor of your entire medical history. This way, your doctor can inform you on treatments and whether one is right for you. If you have any of the below conditions, you should NOT get CoolSculpting as it can be dangerous for your health:

  • Cryoglobulinemia: An abnormal number of proteins in the blood that thicken in the cold
  • Paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria: a blood condition where the changes in temperature can cause red blood cell death
  • Cold agglutinin disease: An autoimmune disease where cold temperatures lead to red blood cell death
  • Cold urticaria, Raynaud’s disease, Pernio, or Chilblains: sensitivity to cold
  • Post-herpetic neuralgia or diabetic neuropathy: nerve pain
  • Sensitivity or allergy to isopropyl alcohol, propylene glycol, fructose, and glycerin
  • Not enough circulation in the area being treated
  • Bleeding disorders
  • Open or infected wounds
  • Recent surgery or scar tissue in the area being treated
  • Skin conditions like eczema, dermatitis, or rashes in the area being treated
  • Hernia in or adjacent to the treated area

Again, we suggest booking a consultation with Dr. Boulos to discuss whether CoolSculpting is right for you!

Book a Consultation with Dr. Boulos

Determine whether you’re an ideal candidate for the CoolSculpting procedure by booking a consultation with Dr. Boulos!

Dr. Shahira Boulos has always had a special interest in women’s health and wellness. As a female, she understands many concerns that women of all ages have, including stubborn fat areas. With immense care and attention to detail, Dr. Boulos’ clients always feel confident and comfortable.

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