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Don’t Razor It. Laser It

January 12th, 2021

The warm, sunny days of summer are usually when most people think of having laser hair removal. However, once summer has started there is not enough time to complete the treatment before summer is over, but it’s never too early to start preparing for next year. If you’ve been considering laser hair removal all summer, now may actually be the best time to do it.

Don’t Razor It. Laser It

Your Tan Will Have Faded

Unless you’re okay with avoiding the sun all summer, you might want to reconsider planning your laser hair removal after the summer season. Laser hair removal works by targeting melanin, the pigment that gives your skin and hair its color, in your hair follicles. The heat from the laser disables these follicles, which prevents hair from regrowing from those follicles. When your skin is tanned, it contains much more melanin, which makes it difficult for the laser to differentiate between the colour of your hair and skin.

So, instead of avoiding the sunshine all summer long, consider scheduling your laser hair removal sessions in the fall, once your tan has had a chance to fade.

You Won’t Have to Worry about Sun Exposure

Not only can sun exposure affect your results, but it can also lead to complications between treatment sessions. The laser targets only the hair that’s currently in its active growth phase, therefore, multiple laser hair removal sessions are required to achieve final results, as not all of your hair will be in this same phase at the same time.

Sun exposure is typically less of a concern during the fall months, which is why it can be the ideal time for your laser hair removal treatment.

You’ll Be Ready for Bikini Season

Laser hair removal treatment generally involves 6 to 9 sessions spaced a few weeks apart. So, if you wait until next summer to begin your treatments, you won’t be able to fully enjoy the results until the following season rolls around. Schedule your first laser hair removal appointment during the back-to-school season so that you’ll be ready to flaunt your amazing results next summer.

A little planning will result in the beautiful smooth skin you desire. You can learn more about laser hair removal during your consultation with us at Dr. Boulos Medical Spa.

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