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Right Half Circle

Beautiful and Natural – Looking Results

January 12th, 2021

Naturally full cheeks and lips give you a youthful appearance.

As we age, the fat compartments in our face deflate, leading to an appearance that is tired or sad-looking. Our lips also become thinner, and the texture around the mouth becomes more wrinkled and drawn. Dermal fillers are instrumental in restoring the natural, beautiful facial proportions we once had.

Beautiful and Natural – Looking Results

What Are Dermal Fillers?

Cosmetic dermal fillers injected into the lips can help you attain fuller, sensual lips with more defined contours. Juvederm is a non-surgical hyaluronic acid filler, that is FDA-approved to instantly smooth fine lines and wrinkles.

Dermal fillers plump and smooth the skin after one treatment, bringing a fresh-faced look to any and all areas including lips, cheeks, forehead, eyes and jaw-line. These precise injections replenish the body’s natural production of hyaluronic acid, and new collagen production is stimulated, leading to a future of fresher-looking skin.

Lift and Contour Cheeks

Juvederm is specifically designed to add volume just beneath the skin’s surface, lifting and contouring the cheek area. Cheek enhancement replaces volume in the mid face, drawing attention up to our eyes and allowing light to reflect off the cheek, helping create that youthful glow.

Natural Looking Lips

Juvederm is an amazing filler for extremely natural looking lip enhancements – adding subtle volume and softening the appearance of lip lines. Whether you have naturally thin lips, have noticed a loss in volume over time or an increase in vertical lip lines, Juvederm may be perfect for you.

These subtle cheek and lip enhancements restore proper facial proportion while creating a completely natural appearance.

Cosmetic fillers are truly an instant way to redefine your natural beauty. To learn how you may benefit from facial enhancements with dermal fillers, contact the experts at Dr. Boulos Medical Spa today! Dr. Shahira Boulos can advise you of what may be the best option for you at your initial consultation.

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