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Am I an Ideal Candidate for Microdermabrasion?

January 13th, 2021

Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive skin treatment that works by gently exfoliating and removing the damaged outer layer of your skin. This treatment is an effective way to make your skin softer, brighter and clearer, without the use of any chemicals! Although microdermabrasion has an exceptional reputation, it’s not for everyone. Find out if you’re an ideal candidate!

Am I an Ideal Candidate for Microdermabrasion?

Pigmented or Raised Scars

Removing the top layer of your skin can make scars significantly less noticeable. If you suffer from mild or intense acne scars and you’ve tried every treatment with no positive results, then for sure consider microdermabrasion.

Fine Lines

People with deep wrinkles may not benefit as much from microdermabrasion. However, the treatment works wonders if you have small fine lines that you’d like to eliminate.

Clogged Pores

Clogged pores are one of the main reasons people have greasy looking skin and develop acne. Microdermabrasion is the perfect solution to unclog your pores and deter your chances of getting acne, before it starts.

Using Accutane?

Accutane is a common prescription that treats active acne. If you’re on this medication, wait 6-12 months after you’ve stopped taking Accutane to consider microdermabrasion. If you undergo this treatment on Accutane, it will likely cause skin irritation, bleeding and scabbing.

Moderate or Severe Inflammatory Acne

Microdermabrasion is known to improve the look of mild and comedonal acne. However, those who suffer from inflammatory or active acne are definitely not an ideal candidate for this treatment. Microdermabrasion can make severe or active acne rawer, more inflamed and feel extremely painful. Wait until your acne is under control, then consider this treatment!


With rosacea, your skin is already so sensitive and red. Microdermabrasion will make the redness and puffiness even worse. Even if you notice your skin has improved, this treatment will likely cause your rosacea to flare-up again. Avoid this if you suffer from this issue.

Cold Sores

As irritating as a cold sore can be, you should never touch it or the skin around it! It has to heal gently, without using anything that’s too harsh. If you had a cold sore breakout, then avoid microdermabrasion. The treatment can make your cold sore breakout much worse by spreading it to other areas of your face. Wait until they’ve healed before you undergo the treatment.

Topical Creams

Any reputable aesthetician will advise you not to get microdermabrasion done to your skin if you’re on topical retinoids. Sometimes, dermatologists approve it depending on the patient and their specific situation, but most of the time, microdermabrasion will make your skin worse. Topical retinoids make your skin considerably more sensitive, which means that microdermabrasion isn’t the right treatment for you.

Contact Dr. Boulos

To learn more about whether or not you’re an ideal candidate for microdermabrasion, book a consultation with Dr. Boulos today. If you think you’re ready for this treatment, then let’s get started!

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